Picture of Saint Fillan's Crozier.


The Chanonry of Fortrose


This map was the work of Mr W Geddie and is taken from Macdowall, C. G. (1963) The Chanonry of Ross: an Account of Fortrose and Rosemarkie. Invernss: Highland Printers, facing page no.29



On close inspection it can be seen that the positions of the following manses are shown:

the Bishop
the Dean
the Precentor
the Treasurer
the Chancellor
the Archdeacon
the Sub-Dean
the Succentor
Prebendary of Alness
Prebendary of Contin
Prebendary of Cullicudden
Prebendary of Kilmuir Easter
Prebendary of Kilmuir Wester
Prebendary of Kiltearn
Prebendary of Lemlair
Prebendary of Logie Easter
Prebendary of Roskeen


Many of the 'residents' had croft-land contiguous to their manses but others had to be content with a now unknown share of the lands between Fortrose and Rosemarkie - the Channon Lands - which belonged to the Chapter. The old title-deeds of the property of Platock, adjoining the chanonry, described it as being "within the bounds of the College of the Chanonry" and, if we accept this, then there is a pointer here to a College which would have housed the numerous chaplains who ministered within the cathedral, perhaps including the vicars-choral and a 'Sang School'.


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